Hello all. I know it is a little late but here are the kids Halloween pictures. Lane dressed as a Vampire, Lorelei is Sleeping Beauty, Rebecca is Cinderella, and Bethany is a yellow M&M. I have also put in some pics of the Fall Festical they had at Lane's school. Lane baked a cake with my dad for an all male baking contest. Sadly they did not win but I have included a pic of the cake. We have had a little bit of craziness going on here. Bethany wasn't feeling well recently and the doctor found that she had a urinary tract infection. Well this is not something that is supposed to happen in a child her age so she has to have some tests done to see what is causing it. It is possible that she has the same problem I did which is treatable especially when it is caught early. On the plus side though she is getting chunkier by the day she now weighs 23 lbs 7 oz. I hope all of you are doing well.