Dr.'s Appointment
Well I went to the doctor today and thought you all would like to see the ultrasound pics. Things have been going fine just a little bit of the usual back pain. They still say that she will probably be born in the middle August. The doctor has also started me on weekly visits so I will be seeing him again on Monday.
The first picture shows the back of Bethany's head where a little bit of hair can be seen. The next picture is proof yet again that she is a girl. The following pic is of her foot. The last two pictures are of Bethany's face if you look closely you can make out the dark cirles of the eyes and the chubby little cheeks. The Ultrasound tech said that she had long legs and was probably going to be a long baby. She also stated that right now she probably weighs anywhere between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 pounds.